September 27th, 2024 - December 23rd, 2024
As many of you have heard, Nova Hill has officially closed its doors following a Cease and Desist (C&D) letter from Alexander Dunn, of Brick Hill.
Although many have speculated it was in fact "fake," at the end of the day it really doesn't matter—we used the IP and assets of Brick Hill.
Nova Hill had a fun ride. Both superheaven and I enjoyed talking and interacting with our users. Our community was the best, and personally, I loved getting online any chance I got to interact with you all.
Both superheaven and I wish we could have lived up to more promises, such as a client and more updates. But the sad fact is, we didn't have all the time we needed. We tried to be active, but with school and work, none of us had the chance.
Thank you to everyone who enjoyed Nova Hill as much as we did. We hope we can move forward from this and keep Nova Hill alive in our memories.
Imagine if ninja got a loooooooooooooow taper fade
Thank you all so very much for donating to Nova Hill, allowing us to stay up as long as we did so others could also expirience Nova Hill and make friends. If you aren't on the list DM Plume to be added!
Thank you all for the amazing memories I had on Nova Hill, I truly appreciate each and every one of you ❤️❤️❤️
As a formr stafff of noba hill, its goen now sooooooooooooooooooooooo yehhhhhh,,, thamk yu for da memories, if yu want to contact me, contact me either in my server, or my discord (justepickid)
Thank you all for all of the memories I have had throughout the time of Nova Hill being up, was such a fun ride and I enjoyed interacting with all of yall. If you wish to contact me you can join my server.
loved seeing yall long live facer gang fuck my haters fuck trudeau